The School is ideally located , in the city itself at 1,Tilak Nagar Main Road Indore .It has a good building, garden , ground and other essential infrastructure.Attractive amenities are available for tiny-tots.The classrooms are well ventilated and have sufficient natural light, so the kids can feel comfortable and at home.
Our purpose is to set the students free from the rigidities and constraints of the old ritualized,bland and indifferent teaching. In the prevailing system, there is a lot of teaching,but very little learning. We don’t teach. We simply guide them to learn by themselves. Children are encouraged to practice self-learning with novel teaching method. We just allow them to blossom in to fine human beings as naturally as flowers blossom.
Our ultimate aim is to make their personalities bloom and carry the aroma of excellence and creativity whenever they go.
The school is conceptualized and developed by an eminent teacher and polyhistor, Mr. K.I. Paul (M.A.) , who has vast experience in the field of education . He is the academic director of the school. It is affiliated with CBSE upto XII No. 1030414 in due course of time.It is an unaded English medium school and the promoter is S.H.L.S. Educational Academy with registration No. IND 5849/2001.
Key Features
- Ideal location, good building, garden and playground.
- Advanced methodology of teaching to encourage self-learning.
- Mugging -up method is descarded and stress is given to develop reasoning power, logic, imagination and inquisitiveness.
- Well qualified & committed Teachers to maintain high academic quality.Computer Lab,Science Lab ,Library.
- Regular counselling and interaction with parents.
- Coaching for Yoga , meditation ,dance , craft and music.
- Special activity periods to groom different skills and personality of students.
- Minimum students in a class so that the teachers are able to give personal attention. Bus facility
- E learning facility,Extramarks Smart class
- Conveyance facility.
The Board Of Directors
Governing Body
Advisory Committee
Registration and Admission
For Nursery, KG-I and KG-II, admission will be on the basis of an Interaction with parents. Both the parents must accompany the ward at the time of interview. Admission to other classes will be on the basis of written test and interview of the students.
Age limit for Admission
2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years as on 1st July. | |
3 1/2 to 4 1/2 years as on 1st July |